Interface SecondaryCommandBuffer

Interface to a secondary command buffer

interface SecondaryCommandBuffer
  : CommandBuffer ;

Main interest of secondary command buffer is that they are not tied to a render pass and as such can be filled in parallel on different threads.


level[get] CommandBufferLevel
pool[get] CommandPool


beginWithinRenderPass (usage, rp, fb, subpass) Switches the buffer to the "recording" state, acknowledging that the buffer will be executed within a render pass compatible with rp
begin (usage) Begin recording and switches the buffer state from "invalid" to "recording" SecondaryCommandBuffer can alternatively call beginWithinRenderPass
bindDescriptorSets (bindPoint, layout, firstSet, sets, dynamicOffsets)
bindIndexBuffer (indexBuf, offset, type)
bindPipeline (pipeline)
bindVertexBuffers (firstBinding, bindings)
clearColorImage (image, layout, clearValues, ranges)
clearDepthStencilImage (image, layout, clearValues, ranges)
copyBuffer (buffers, regions)
copyBufferToImage (srcBuffer, dstImage, dstLayout, regions)
draw (vertexCount, instanceCount, firstVertex, firstInstance)
drawIndexed (indexCount, instanceCount, firstVertex, vertexOffset, firstInstance)
end ()
fillBuffer (dst, offset, size, value) Fills buffer from offset to offset+size with value
pipelineBarrier (stageTrans, bufMbs, imgMbs)
pushConstants (layout, stages, offset, size, data)
reset ()
setBlendConstants (blendConstants)
setDepthBias (constFactor, clamp, slopeFactor)
setDepthBounds (minDepth, maxDepth)
setLineWidth (lineWidth)
setScissor (firstScissor, scissors)
setStencilCompareMask (faceMask, compareMask)
setStencilReference (faceMask, reference)
setStencilWriteMask (faceMask, writeMask)
setViewport (firstViewport, viewports)
updateBuffer (dst, offset, data) Update buffer with the data passed as argument