Interface PhysicalDevice

Represent a physical device. This interface is meant to describe a graphics device and open a logical device out of it.

interface PhysicalDevice ;


features[get] DeviceFeatures
instance[get] InstanceThe instance this physical device is issued from
limits[get] DeviceLimits
memoryProperties[get] MemoryProperties
name[get] string
queueFamilies[get] QueueFamily[]Get the queue families for the device
softwareRendering[get] bool
type[get] DeviceType


formatProperties (format) Get the features supported for the given format
open (queues, features) Open a logical device with the specified queues.
supportsSurface (queueFamilyIndex, surface) Check whether the given queue family supports presentation on the give surface.
surfaceCaps (surface) Get the capabilities of surface on this device.
surfaceFormats (surface) Get the formats supported by the given surface.
surfacePresentModes (surface) Get the present mode supported by the given surface.